Chuckwagon Supply
. . . the Dutch Oven & Camp Cooking Specialists

Dutch Oven Cooking Table Grill
Now you can use the grill for part of the meal and Dutch ovens for other part of the meal all on the same table. This is an adjustable BBQ grill that mounts on the side of the cooking table. You don't have to sacrafice the racks to use this grill either. First you remove one of the side racks. Mount the post part of the grill then replace the side rack. This allows you to maintain full use of the side racks. Then you place the grill on the post. The grill can raise and lower to cook as desired. Included with the grill is a drip pan that catches grease and ash to keep your cooking table clean. The size of the grill is 16" x 18" The cost is $89.95 Check out our new grill!
Dutch Oven Table Packages
Buy the whole table package and save! Table package includes: the cooking table, wind screen, and carrying bag. The 48" and 36" tables also come with side racks. The 30" table has no side racks. Click hereto see the details of our 48" table.

Here is what YouTube 1960s Hiker Dude had to say about our cooking table!
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