Chuckwagon Supply
. . . the Dutch Oven & Camp Cooking Specialists

Our Story
Chuckwagon Supply was founded by Mark Miles. Mark has combined years of experience working as a machinist and welder with his love of outdoor cooking to create this thriving specialty business.
Chuckwagon Supply Dutch oven products have been developed to meet the real needs of Dutch oven chefs based on hands on experience. Mark has invented many products to meet his own needs as a Dutch oven caterer. Not everything worked out as expected the first time.
However, improvements were made and successes were achieved. With suggestions from friends and family who feasted on many a meal from Mark's Dutch ovens, Chuckwagon Supply products have developed into the high demand products they are today.
Chuckwagon Supply products are designed and made to be convenient, functional and durable under rigorous outdoor conditions. Chuckwagon supply Dutch oven and outdoor cooking accessories will enhance your outdoor cooking experience for years to come.
Although no longer in the Dutch oven cooking and catering business, their Chuckwagon Catering services were in high demand throughout the Utah, Idaho and Wyoming areas. Mark and his associates at Chuckwagon Inc. have been invited to demonstrate products and cooking skills at numerous Festivals and Mountain Man Rendezvous around the intermountain west. In 1997 they catered over 2,000 meals on the trail for the Mormon Trail Wagon Train in Wyoming and Utah.
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